Guest Speaker: Nic Stover - Landscape *Webex*

Calendar   Speaker
Date Monday, March 4, 2024at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Duration   2h

Join us as Nic Stover will explain his approach to compositions and understanding light. During the first session Nic will explain how the most impactful and compelling images are the those that have the proper balance of Technique, Vision, and Processing. All of these skills need to be developed and continually refined through the artistic and creative process. He will explain the challenges of what makes a compelling image and review examples from his own work of what works, and perhaps what doesn’t.

For the second session Nic will explore the domain of light and how it can affect our photography. Like all of us Nic doesn’t have mastery of light nor the power to control it but he will talk about what he CAN control, how he reacts to the light he is given, not the light he wants. Nic considers the science and study of light to be one of our most important pursuits in photography.


Nic Stover is a professional landscape photographer based in San Luis Obispo, California. Nic describes himself as a lifelong entrepreneur who turned “Professional” in 2020, which has allowed him to spend 25% of his year photographing across all 7 continents; although his favorite locations remain the Canadian Rockies, the High Sierra and the Desert Southwest of the USA. Nic’s passion is also his interaction with other photographers through his Nature Photography Classes, where he hosts a regular speaker series, bringing in the very best nature and landscape teachers and educators.