
Club Competitions

The Lakeshore Camera Club encourages all of its members to participate in competitions. Our philosophy is that it is not all about winning … It is about igniting your creativity, increasing your expertise, and learning to evaluate your own work.

Our emphasis is on learning through critique. Everyone who submits will have at least one image analysed by the judges. There is much to be gained by listening to the observations and advice given by the judges, not only on your own images, but on those of other members.

Outside of the Top Ten images, all critiques are anonymous. The judges and audiences are not aware of who made the photograph while it is being critiqued.

Additional information, specific rules and complete results for all competitions are available through the member’s only part of our website, Dynamic Range.

If you would like to view the winning images of recent competitions, click the link below.


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CAPA Competitions

The LCC is a proud member of the Canadian Association of Photographic Artists (CAPA). Being a part of CAPA gives our members the opportunity to gain national exposure by participating in Canada-wide competitions as part of a club team.

To find out more about CAPA competitions, visit CAPA’s website.

Awards & Trophies


Originally the LCC was a traditional trophy-based club. Competitions were judged on printed images and scored live. Trophies were awarded to the member who had accumulated the highest scores in a specific category such as Nature or Pictorial. There were a few specialized trophies , for example, the Muriel Cliff trophy was awarded for wildflower images.

The advent of digital photography and online judging changed the way we look at and judge photography. Categories evolved over time and eventually gave way to today's varied Interest Groups.

So too the way we recognize our competition winners has changed.

Today, those members whose entries have achieved the highest ordinal scores in each individual competition receive certificates for first place, second place, third place, and honourable mention.

Additionally, an award certificate is given to the Photographer of the Year. This certificate is determined by a point scale assigned to competition placement. It is awarded to the member who has earned the highest number of points overall.

But we did not do away with trophies all together, in fact there are two new trophies.

One is our Photo Rally Trophy, it is awarded yearly and shared by the winning team of our amazing Photo Rally event that takes place every May. Each year new names are added, and the base sometimes has to be expanded with a new layer!

The other is the Drew Patterson Award, which is not presented annually. It is given exceptionally to a member who has shown themselves to be an integral part of the club, who has stepped in, and stepped up, and gone above and beyond in service to the LCC.

The recipient of this most prestigious trophy can hold it for one year. They will get a smaller replica to keep, but the trophy itself, engraved with the names of all those who have received it, is put back on the shelf until the next time.

Drew Patterson was a long time LCC member and a strong champion of the club. He endeavored to include every member in club activities and never failed to issue an invitation to go to the pub after the meeting was over. He would have been the perfect candidate for this award, named in his memory.

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