Calendar | Competition |
Date | Monday, February 3, 2020at 8:00pm - 10:00pm |
Duration | 2h |
Location | 176 Lakeshore Drive, Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada |
Description | Urban Landscape is an image of our man-made environment and the collections of structures in which people live and work. It seeks to capture the larger patterns of the urban environment which surrounds us. Urban landscapes are images that capture a scene within a city or town. They can be vast (think cityscape or a shot of the city from above) or at minimum it is a medium view. Urban landscapes are less interested in the building and its architectural style and more interested in in the pattern of buildings and structures and/or what happens in and around it. Evidence of human presence is welcome, provided that these elements complement and contribute to the content of the image—as opposed to dominating it. Any photograph found not to comply with the rules (or to the given theme if applicable) will be marked as not adhering to theme. Questions about this competition should be addressed to the Landscape group. |