People Competition

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The top images (position of less than or equal to 10th place) for the people competition held on December 4th, 2017.

Drifting Away

by Marianna Armata

1st place

Belly Dancer

by Marianna Armata

2nd place

I'm Chinghis Khann! Two brothers Mongolia

by Frederic Hore

3rd place


by Ron Harper

Honorable Mention

Habs Fan

by Bryan Fritz

5th place

Sunset People

by Ron Harper

6th place

"...but for the grace of god..."

by Daniel Benn

7th place

Burlesque Legs

by Wayne Arnold

8th place

Youthful innocence - 3 Moroccan children

by Frederic Hore

9th place

Happy Father and Daughter

by Barry Solman

10th place