People Competiton

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The top images (position of less than or equal to 10th place) for the people competiton held on December 3rd, 2018.

I know I can.....I know I can.....

by Terry Graham

0th place

Budding Photographer

by Carmin Cristofaro

0th place

Wait for it...

by Paula DiGiovanni

0th place

Rainy Night

by Lina Lepore

0th place

The Pinch!

by Jill Stafiej

0th place


by Vic Breedon

0th place

Venetian bride

by Cameron Tilson

0th place

Argentinian Boy

by Clark Steven

0th place


by Alberto Credmann Beniste

0th place

Mother and Child

by Arun Bagga

0th place