Botanicals & Bokeh Competition

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The top images (position of less than or equal to 10th place) for the botanicals & bokeh competition held on May 12th, 2021.

spring forest

by Maria Korab-Laskowska

1st place

Renaissance du printemps

by Lucie Labrosse

2nd place

Siberian Iris

by Marg Foley

2nd place

Spring. Finally!

by Ron Harper

Honourable Mention

Out of the camera Mimosa

by Jean-Louis Rousselle

5th place

In my garden

by Lucie Labrosse

6th place

Travelling Vine

by Bryan Fritz

7th place

Field of Coneflowers

by Pierre Laviolette

7th place

Forest luminescence_2

by Elizabeth O'Brien

9th place

Sumac leaves

by Marianna Armata

9th place