Open Competition

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The top images (position of less than or equal to 10th place) for the open competition held on May 6th, 2024.

The Night Shift

by Marianna Armata

1st place

Fight at the Bird Feeder

by Marg Foley

2nd place


by Ron Harper

3rd place

Northern Lights Over the Lake

by Pierre Laviolette

Honourable Mention

The Shark

by Marg Foley

5th place

Preening in golden sunlight "Peregrine Falcon"

by Jean-Louis Rousselle

6th place


by Marianna Armata

7th place

This City Loves Hockey

by Philip Colet

8th place

Notes For Musical Guidance

by Cynthia Magliocco

9th place

Ghost Ship "The S.S. Charcot"

by Jean-Louis Rousselle

10th place